Courtesy National Archives /
NWWIIGPA Collection<
Aerial Photo of gliders in the snow covered fields
Photos of some of the men
from the 10 Glider mission:
F/O Warren deBEAUCLAIR, Chalk 2
2nd Lt. Joseph A. PURCELL, Chalk 5
F/O Charles F. SUTTON, Chalk 10
F/O O. B. BLESSING, Chalk 10
Courtesy of the National Archives / NWWIIGPA Collection
This is Chalk #3 flown by 2nd Lt. Morris Albert Gans, Chuck Berry’s glider #4 was next in line for take off.
Photos of some of the men
from the 50 Glider mission:
F/O Herbert W. BALLINGER, Chalk 35
F/O Albert Sehman BARTON Chalk 36
F/O Claude A. “Chuck” BERRY, Chalk 04
F/O Claude A. “Chuck”
F/O Richard W. Blake, Chalk 38, POW
F/O BURNETT, Chalk 12
F/O Francis L. CARROLL, Chalk 46, POW
F/O Edward T. CARRELL, Chalk 17
F/O Mack STRIPLIN, Chalk 29
Chart covers 23, 26, and 27 December for the 50th WING only