Trusting the CG-4A Glider: Down and Gone by Douglas Smith Glider Pilot Training At LaurinBurg-Maxton Ended in 1945 in a Big Bang! by Glider Pilot Walt Raby
Trusting the CG-4A Glider: Down and Gone by Douglas Smith
Glider Pilot Training At LaurinBurg-Maxton Ended in 1945 in a Big Bang! by Glider Pilot Walt Raby
Horsa Crash on 12 December 1944 1 1Related document: 2nd Lt. James Colimore report regarding a Horsa emergency landing during the same 17th Airborne Orientation
Horsa Crash on 12 December 1944 1
1Related document: 2nd Lt. James Colimore report regarding a Horsa emergency landing during the same 17th Airborne Orientation