In 1943 the Army Air Forces called for a quota of aircrew members that only a few years ago would have challenged the boldest imagination. This expansion of air power was to be effective without sacrifice to training standards. The bulk of America's manpower who could meet the former Aviation Cadet educational requirement of two years of college had been exhausted in the latter part of 1942. (AAFWFTC, Anketell, i)
The sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform during WWII are legion. The contribution by the men and women of our nation’s industries, exemplified by the image of Rosie the Riveter standing on top of a B-17 with riveting gun in hand, are also well known by most Americans. What is not as well-known is the contribution made by this nation's colleges and universities both in preparation for and during the war. Beloit College is representative of the 150 colleges who answered the call.
 95th College Training Detachment / Beloit College one of 150 colleges
Even before the United States was officially involved in World War II the Army Air Force (AAF) Aviation Cadet Training Program was running at maximum capacity. After the attack on Pearl Harbor it was clear that even more pilots would be needed. Men were signing up in droves to enlist in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, and, with the lowering of the draft age from 21 to 18, all of the services were increasing their size at an unprecedented rate.
The problem facing the AAF, however, was not just a need for manpower. The AAF needed qualified manpower; men who had the aptitude to successfully pass the cadet training examination. In 1942 two changes were made by the AAF to ensure that a sufficient supply of candidates would continue to be available for the Army Air Forces Training. Continue to Complete Article