010 | Harold N. (Andy) ANDREWS | Need Photo | Morris B
KYLE | | 60th TC Group | Battalion HQ, 1 Airlanding Brigade | LAND | Farther out |
Tug made first landfall near AUGUSTA, turned south and made correct run in. Tow fair until tug started evasive action from A. A. and S/L's. glider released on instructions from tug pilot one hour late at 2300 hours at 2800 ft. approx 10,000 yards from shore, made successful landing 2 to 3 miles S.W. of L.Z. crew and glider intact (later burned). SUMMARY OF GLIDER REPORTS ON OPERATION LADBROKE, 1ST AIRBORNE BDE U.S. National Archives _MG_5037
013 | Eric Brian WIKNER KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Samuel
FINE | | 60th TC Group | B Company, 2 South Staffords | LAND | Closer in |
Tug Pilot stated release at 2212 at 1800 Ft. Statement of Passenger Bumpy flight A.A. Fire encountered before release. Glider landed somewhere south of L.Z. Pilots did not know where they were. One pilot wounded in shoulder as he left glider.
015 | John Jack ROBERTSON | Need Photo | Gus Theodore
PETROULIAS KIA - Sicily | | 60th TC Group | Battalion HQ, 2 South Staffords | SEA | Farther out |
Lost presumed drowned
018 | David ALLEN | Need Photo | Nicholas O
CUGENE | | 60th TC Group | | SEA | Farther out |
028 | James GLOVER | Need Photo | Jack
BATES | | 60th TC Group | D Company, 2 South Staffords | SEA | Closer in |
Pilot Reports Released at 1850 ft at 2233 hrs at correct point. Glider landed in sea. Crew picked up and landed in SUEZ. Not returned at compilation of report.
052A | Jack BARNWELL | Need Photo | Russell D
PARKS | | 60th TC Group | E Company, 2 South Staffards | LAND | Closer in |
Tug Pilot Statement released at 2245 hrs, at 2500 ft over Syracuse Bay
Statement by passenger Fairly good flight, slightly bumping. glider landed two and a half miles from Bilston, S.W. of L. Z. Met light A. A. fire on landing - 15 yds afgter landing glider hit wall. Two hospital cases.
053A | Harold LANSDELL |  Donated by grandson Danny Argent. | Irvin C
KINNEY Jr | | 60th TC Group | Simforce, 2 South Staffords | SEA | Closer in |
Tug Pilot Report Released at 2100 Ft., at 2238 hrs. at correct point. Glider landed in Sea close to coast. All but three occupants survived.
057 | BUCHAN | Need Photo | Paul Oscar
RAU | | 62nd TC Group | Battalion HQ, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Glider Pilot stated tug a/c made incorrect approach - not as planned. Intercom went u/s. Glider cast off at 2250 hrs, at 1400 ft, approx two and a half miles off shore; could not make land and came down in sea approximately one half mile off CAPE MURR DI PORCO.
060 | John Arthur BOORMAN KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Otgut V
DZIEWIALTOWSKI KIA - Holland | | 62nd TC Group | D Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Statement of passenger Glider Pilot cast off at 2215 hrs, 1400 ft, on seeing glider on left cast off. At about 400 ft, pilot gave the order for a sea landing and glider landed approximately one mile off shore. First pilot failed to get out of glider and three more are missing, believed drowned.
062 | D W LEE | Need Photo | Howard B
JOHNSON | | 62nd TC Group | att’d 1 Border, 1st Field Ambulance | SEA | Farther out |
Glider Pilot was ordered by Tug Pilot to release at 2230 hrs. at 1500 ft, approximately 2 miles off shore. Tug pilot had mistaken CAPE OCUINA for CAPE MURRO DI PORCO. Glider landed in sea, 100 yds short of CAPE Ognina.
064 | GODMAN | Need Photo | Francis E
HAYES | | 62nd TC Group | D Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Very steady flight without incident. Glider pilot released at 2230 hrs, at approximately 1500 ft, about 3 miles off shore. Glider could not make land and came down in sea, approximately one and a half miles off shore. 5 passengers believed drowned.
070 | DILNUTT | Need Photo | Arnold NMI
BORDEWICH KIA - Sicily | 62nd TC Group | att’d 1 Border, 181 Field Ambulance | SEA | Farther out |
When approximately off the twin headlands flak came up from there and CAPE MURRO DI PORCO. The tug A/C immediately made a 180 degree right hand turn and headed east away from land. Tug A/C then ordered release by signal when at 1400 ft. After release glider glided at 75-80 m.p.h in directing of nearest land, but was unable to reach it and came down in sea approx 4 miles off CAPE MURRO DI PORCO. Glider pilot was unable to recognize any point on land as rug flew eastwards cut to sea prior to release.
071 | George Arthur Leonard REEVES KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Donald Lloyd
DAVES | | 62nd TC Group | C Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Statement by passenger Flight uneventful. released at 2220 hrs at unstated height and glider landed in sea about 3 miles off shore. 1 missing believed drowned.
074 | LEADBETTER | Need Photo | Ruby H
DEES | | 62nd TC Group | B Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Tow uneventful. Glider Released too far off shore on signal from tug A/C at 2220 hrs at 1400 ft approx 5 miles off shore, Glider landed in sea approx 2 miles from shore. Starboard wing damaged on landing.
087 | Alec George SHEPHERD KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Charles R
MCCOLLUM KIA - Sicily | | 62nd TC Group | A Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Glider missing. Believed down at sea.
089 | Henry James AYLOTT KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Robert Bricker
WILSON | | 62nd TC Group | C Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Statement by Passenger: flight went well. Glider released at 2220 hrs, at approx. 1400 ft, and landed in sea. Personnel picked up by H.M.S. CARLISLE. One missing, believed drowned.
092 | G A V HILL | Need Photo | Guy T
GUNTER Jr | | 62nd TC Group | B Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
statement by passenger Glider landed i sea about 2230 hrs, approx 3 miles off shore. Three men and first pilot missing.
094 | Robert Brown HALL KIA Sicily | Need Photo | Kenneth L
HOLLINSHEAD KIA - Sicily | | 62nd TC Group | D Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Statement by passenger Bumpy flight. Flak about 3 to 4 miles off shore. Sudden release of glider and warning from pilot - prepare for sea landing. Glider landed in sea. 3 missing, believed drown.
096 | STEVENS | Need Photo | Kenneth A
WHITE | | 62nd TC Group | B Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Approx 10 miles from release point and ten miles out to sea, tug pilot released glider from tug and pilot stating that that was the point. Glider landed in sea approx 7 miles from land.
099 | V. TAYLOR | Need Photo | Michael J
SAMEK | | 62nd TC Group | A Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
Statement by Passenger Glider released about 6 miles off coast. Glider landed in sea about 4 miles off shore, hitting water hard and filled up immediately. 13 missing, believed drowned.
100 | WORLEY | Need Photo | Guisseppe V
CAPITE KIA - Sicily | | 62nd TC Group | B Company, 1 Border | SEA | Farther out |
On final run up to CAPE MURRO DI PORCO, glider was so far out to sea that pilot could not see coast. when at 2000 ft, glider pilot was instructed by tug pilot through intercom to release. glider turned to bearing 290 degrees at 80 mph; Pilot could only see flak in distance. Pilot could not make land so landed glider in sea approx. 2 miles off CAPE MURRO DI PORCO.
103 | A. GILLIES | Need Photo | Louis A
BROWNING | | 62nd TC Group | A Company, 1 Brder | SEA | Farther out |
No details available but glider known to be down in sea.