NWWIIGPA Essay Contest Information and Entry Instructions
Looking for additional ways to honor our WWII glider pilots and support our mission of education outreach, the Executive Council (EC) of the WWIIGPA activated a Scholarship Sub-committee and approved the sum of $2000 to be awarded during academic year. Major Trevor Shimulunas, USMC and Colonel Mark C. Vlahos, USAF-Retired volunteered to work this new program for the Association. Essay contest/scholarship winners will be announced after dinner on Saturday night at the Reunion in Dayton, Ohio. Additionally, winning essays will also be published in The Briefing. Finally, the winning authors will receive a year membership in the NWWIIGPA. Look for specific instructions and eligibility for these scholarships to be posted on May 1st.
2023 Leon B Spenser Scholarship went to Ms. Abagail Kay Bradberry, of Fort Worth, TX. for her article,
Glider Operations
in the European Theater in World War II Abagail is Currently pursuing a career in aviation at Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Arizona, Abby is a promising
individual in the field.
Member Author Books
Research material, books and aids