With the failure of operation Market Garden, the Western Allied Army was still
facing the Rhine River as a barrier to cross. Planning for another operation started in fall 1944. Advancement toward the Rhine was
not that fast, and the German counter attack in the Ardennes postponed the planned operation to cross the Rhine.
Finally, on 24 March 1945, Montgomery’s plan of crossing the Rhine with the aid of Airborne Forces was executed.
At the time of the operation, U.S. forces had crossed the Rhine at various places, however, this was the first airborne mission conducted by the Allies into Germany.
It took off in the early hours of the 24th of March 1945.
From fields in England U.S. Troop Carrier planes Troop Carrier C-47s from the 61st Troop Carrier Group (TCG), from Chiping Ongar; 315th TCG, from Boreham; aNd 316th TCG from Wethersfield,
took off to drop the British 6th Airborne Division’s paratroopers into the Westphalia area of Germany near Hamminkeln. The American airborne forces, 507th and the 513th
Parachute Infantry Regiment Combat Team and were the first elements of the 17th Airborne to take–off.
Flying C-47s the 438th flew elements of the 507th PIR and left from Prosnes, France, for LZ W
Flying C-46 the 313th flew elements of the 513th PIR and left from Achiet, France for LZ X
Flying C-47s the 434th flew elements of the Division Artillery HQ and left from Mourmelon-le-Grand, France for LZ X & W
This was the first time troopers jumped from the
double door C–46 in a combat operation.
The gliders were on double tow another first.
Double tow, which had been used in combat a year past in Burma with lots of problems, had not been used in combat on the European battlefields until this operation. Major Gordon, the glider officer of the 435th Troop Carrier Group described the start of the operation,
The day started early, and never really ended. At 0700 hours everone was aboard the various aicraft, and at 0730 the first plane was airborne. The entire column was two hours
and 18 minutes in length and consisted of 226 C–47s and 72 C–46s carrying parachute troops, while 906 gliders were towed by 610 C–47s. To the left of these formations
were 42 C–53s, 752 C–47s, and 420 gliders of the Britsh 6th Airborne Division. And above and around this huge assembly of aircraft were 676 U.S. fighter planes and 213
RAF figter planes flying escort for the “Airborne Carpet.” They were banking and flitting around the long train of aircraft, keeping a constant watch for enemy planes.
It was a sight never before seen. Stretched across the sky as far as one’s eye could see was the largest sky armada ever assembled, then or now. There were literally thousands
of aircraft—gliders, C–47s, C–46s, and fighter cover of all sorts— transporting men, equipment, supplies and ammunition.
The gliders on double tow were to land at LANDING ZONE–S
The Objective: Orders described the mission of the 17th as being “to seize, clear and secure”
the divison area with priority to the high ground just east of Dieresfordt, and the bridges over the Issel River; protect the right (south) flank of Corps; establish contact with
First Comando Brigade (British) northeast of Wesel, with the 15th British Division, and with the 6th British Airborne Division. (Gordon)
This was the first time that paratroopers would not be dropped before the gliders making it the first
time gliders would land on unsecure Landing Zones.
U.S. operations previously secured the landing zones for the gliders. This change made the glider landings perilous. The glider pilots
view was obstructed by the smoke
screen that the British engineers had laid down to cover the river crossing from the German eye. Now, the pilots could not see the ground
until they were almost down. German soldiers were in trenches, farm houses and barns and laid a devastating fire upon the landing gliders.
The shear number of gliders landing in a short period in this area tipped the balance and by the end of the day the area of this landing zone was
under American control.
Another first in history happened in the general area of LZ-S. Before the operation, a request came from the 17th Airborne Division for
some extra manpower. The Glider Officer of the 435th Troop Carrier Group volunteered his group of Glider Pilots to fulfill this job. And thus,
after landing, they assembled into the Provisional 435th Glider Infantry Company and headed for their designated area to put up roadblocks. These were facing west, and were there to cover the
back of the Glider Infantry lines and to prevent German forces from escaping between the river and the airborne forces. This was an all officer
outfit, entirely Air Force that got engaged in a ground battle. A Stars and Stripes reported later gave this the name
Battle at Burp Gun Corner.
Further north, gliders of following Serials started landing in LANDING ZONE–N.
Although paratroopers had landed in this general area, the scene was almost the same as on LZ-S. From their hidden positions in farms, German forces laid fire upon
the gliders who came down through the smoke and landed. It took some time to gain control over the area, but in the end of the day the resistance had stopped.
"Several slugs go through your glider fabric, sounding much like a dull drum beat, but no one is hit. Tensely, your eyes dart about as you look for a
landing place, for high-tension wires, and for other gliders. Now you are down to a 100 feet, and out of the corner of your eye you see a transmission tower,
but no wires. Just ahead is a pasture with barbed wire fences, and there are two gliders touching down...
Ahead a glider rolls to a stop, disgorging troops on the run. Just past it is a burning glider with smoke and flames
billowing into the air. Glancing to your right, you see a small woods and approaching it, two gliders on the ground,
but rolling too fast. The first hits the trees, crumpling the nose and stopping abruptly.
The big tail lifts up and then drops. The second glider pilot tries desperately to ground loop, but the right wing catches a
tree and his glider is drawn into the woods also, with its parts flying all over...
But you are concentrating on the approach and landing, you flare, touch down, put it up on the skids, and quickly come to a stop. You have accomplished
your primary mission. But while you were still moving,
a rifle slug whined through the glider, and the airborne troops started scrambling out of the doors." (Gordon)
That night, German forces tried to escape the pocket and slip through the Allied lines. A lot of Glider Pilots had brief encounters with the enemy.
The following day, evacuation of the glider pilots started. A new operation was planned, although it never materialized. The glider pilots headed
back over the Rhine and spent a night at the famous “Rhine Hotel” .
From there they headed to an airfield in Holland for a flight back to France.
In just a little bit more then a month, the war in Europe was over.
In what will probably be considered the outstanding airborne operation of the war, the 9th Troop Carrier Command and its three wings, the 50th, 52nd, and 53rd, together with the British 38th and 46th Groups, staged operation “Varsity”.
RHINE -- “Varsity”, 24 March 1945 (2 Hour 42 Minute Operation)
COMMITTED: 1625 Airplane Sorties 1348Glider Sorties 22,341 Abn Troops 1096 Vehicles 454 Artillery Pieces 4, 781,981 Pounds of Equipment
| LOSSES KIA, WIA, MIA) 92 Aircraft and Gliders 714 Crew Members 1307 Abn Troops
(97.36 Percent Effective)---US AFHRA.
[Based on Serials: 864 CG-4A gliders committed, and 484 British Horsa Gliders flown
Number of American Glider and Power Glider Pilots KIA: 82 ]--National WWII Glider Pilots Association Digital Archives.
An Interrogation Check Sheet (ICS) is a report submitted by the glider pilots on return from their mission.
This is Captain Gilbert M. Slaughter, 82nd TCS 436th TCG, ICS-
BILL CHEOLAS' story of his experience as a power glider pilot.
The WITNESS TO WAR: A glider pilots perspective-
Milt Dank, Glider Pilot, 91st Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group, 1st Allied Airborne Infantry
Milt Dank relives his last mission at the Rhine Crossing, his glider being hit by German flak, landing in the thick of sniper fire,
and his encounters with the enemy on the ground.
The WITNESS TO WAR: A C-47 (towship) pilots perspective-
Elmer "Wish" Wisherd, Tech Sgt., 91st Troop Carrier Squadron, 439th Troop Carrier Group
Elmer "Wish" Wisherd vividly describes his last big mission, pulling two gliders with a C-47 over the Rhine.
He recounts all the action he witnessed and what happened to some of the other American planes.
Lt. Floyd Hand and
Flight Officer Jella were sponsored on the 1 April [1945] program by
“Combat Diary”
the 77th public relations officer and Joel O’Brien of the Officer of the War Information.
--77th Troop Carrier Squadron Histories AFHRA

| The entire story of the battle that Flight Officer Jella and
Lt. Floyd Hand were involved was dubbed the “Battle of Burp Gun Corner.”
The book the BATTLE OF BURP GUN CORNER tells the complete story of the battle including more narrative about what happened by the Officers who fought this epic battle.
Also included are exceptional photos taken by these men. All proceeds from the book support the Silent Wings Museum.
INVASION OF GERMANY Flight Officer O. Faris Personal account
Flight Officer Edgar Jella Personal account
Flight Officer Bill Cheolas Personal account
17TH AIRBORNE REPORTS Peterson’s Report
1st Lt. Frank Langston's article
NarativeFacts-1st Battalion - 194th GIR Report
NarativeFacts-2nd Battalion - 194th GIR Report
NarativeFacts-3rd Battalion - 194th GIR Report
194th GIR Unit Citation
 National Archives
93rd Squadron Glider Landings Overlay USAFHRA
94th Squadron Glider Landings Overlay USAFHRA
Brereton's Commendation to the IX TCC
Photo curtesy of the U.S. National Archives On March 22nd instructions were
received from the Troop Carrier Wings to each Troop Carrier Group to paint an assigned marking, unique to each Group, on the top of all the gliders for identification purposes.
National Archives/NWWIIGPA Collection Back caption: Troops of the 17th Air-borne Division, load aboard gliders
before the take-off on the air-borne mission of the Rhine River. Germany 3/24/45
Thomas Pleger Collection/by daughter Marian Klieber
Back caption: Mar 24, 1945 - Pre Take off for Wesel Hop. 437th Troop Carrier Group. Base: Coulemere, France (near Paris) Personnel:
Members 17th Air Borne Glider Inf. --Extra
National Archives/NWWIIGPA Collection Back caption: 1st ALLIED AIRBORNE ARMY
ETO HQ 45 24 MAR 22865-4
A Double tow glider formation, one of the new techniques used for the first time in an airborne operation, is seen over drop area in vicinity of Wesel,
Germany, during the 1st Allied Airborne Army's air invasion of Germany. Photograph was taken from a glider of the 439th Troop Carrier Group whose load was
the 507th PARA-Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division, 1st Allied Airborne Army.”
[The 507th PIR was transported by the 439th Troop Carrier Group in Serial A-15. These consisted of glider chalk number 105 thru 125.

National Archives/NWWIIGPA Collection Back caption: GLIDERS DOT THE GERMAN LANDSCAPE --- Allied gliders dot the German landscape
behind the German front lines on the Rhine. Parachute troops were dropped, 24 March 1945 in advance of the Rhine-crossing ground troops by
1500 transports and gliders. The 1st Allied Airborne troops landed across the Rhine to support Gen. Montgomery's troops crossing the Rhine.
Almost immediately
after the airborne troops landed, 240 Consolidated B-24 Liberators of the U.S. 8th AF Second Air Division were on the scene to supply them with
vital weapons, food, and medicine.
March 1945.
Thomas Pleger Collection/by daughter Marian Klieber
Back caption: Mar 24, 1945 - Some landing tragic. Wesel Germany.
National Archives This picture was taken at LZ-N near the rail road crossing in that area. The photo was part of a series
of photos in Life Magazine, April 1945 issue pictorial coverage of the Varsity Operation.