 WWII Troop Carrier Units |
439th Troop Carrier Group (439th TCG) Active Service: 1943 to 1945 Constituted as 439th Troop Carrier
Group on 14 May 1943. Activated on I
June 1943. Trained with C_47's. Moved
to England, Feb-Mar 1944, for duty with Ninth AF. Prepared for the invasion of
the Continent and began operations by
dropping paratroops of 101st Airborne Division
in Normandy on 6 Jun 1944 and
releasing gliders with reinforcements on
the following day, receiving a DUC and
a French citation for these missions. After
the Normandy invasion the group ferried
supplies in the United Kingdom until
the air echelon was sent to Italy in Jul to
transport cargo to Rome and evacuate
wounded personnel. The detachment
dropped paratroops of 517th Parachute
Infantry Regiment along the Riviera to
aid the invasion of Southern France on
15 Aug 1944 and later towed gliders to
provide reinforcements; for these missions
the group was again cited by the French
government. After the air echelon returned
to England on 25 Aug, the group
resumed its cargo missions. In Sep the
group moved to France for further operations
in support of the advancing Allies.
Dropped paratroops of 82nd Airborne Division
near Nijmegen and towed gliders carrying reinforcements during the airborne
attack on Holland, 17-25 Sep 1944.
Participated in the Battle of the Bulge by
releasing gliders with supplies for 101st
Airborne Division near Bastogne on 27
Dec 1944. Each aircraft of the group
towed two gliders with troops of 17th
Airborne Division and released them near
Wesel when the Allies made the air assault
across the Rhine on q Mar 1945.
Continually hauled food, clothing, medicine,
gasoline, ordnance equipment, and
other supplies to the front lines and evacuated
patients to rear-zone hospitals when
not engaged in airborne operations. Converted
from C_47s to C_46s, which were
used to transport displaced persons from
Germany to France and Belgium after
V-E Day. Returned to the US, Jul-Sep
1945. Trained with C-46 aircraft. Inactivated
on 10 Jun 194691st Troop Carrier Squadron (91st TCS)
Sqd. code: L4
1943 to 1946 92nd Troop Carrier Squadron (92nd TCS )
Sqd. code: J8
1943 to 1946 93rd Troop Carrier Squadron (93rd TCS)
Sqd. code: 3B
1943 to 1946 94th Troop Carrier Squadron (94th TCS)
Sqd. code: D8
1943 to 1946 Headquarters (HQ 439th)
1943 to 1945
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1st Air Commandos
319th TC Group
50th Wing
439th TC Group
440th TC Group
441th TC Group
442th TC Group
52nd Wing
61st TC Group
313th TC Group
314th TC Group
315th TC Group
316th TC Group
53rd Wing
434th TC Group
435th TC Group
436th TC Group
437th TC Group
438th TC Group
438TH Ciation