 WWII Troop Carrier Units |
437th Troop Carrier Group (437th TCG) Active Service: 1943 to 1945 Constituted as 437th Troop Carrier
Group on 15 Apr 1943. Activated on I
May 1943. Trained with C-46 and C-47
aircraft for duty overseas with Ninth AF.
Moved to England, Jan-Feb 1944, and
began preparing for the Normandy invasion.
Released gliders near Cherbourg
early on 6 Jun 1944; flew follow-up missions
on 6 and 7 Jun, carrying reinforcements
of troops, antiaircraft pieces, ammunition,
rations, and other supplies for
82nd Airborne Division; received a DUC
for these actions in France. A detachment
was sent to Italy in Jul 1944 for the
invasion of Southern France in Aug; it
dropped paratroops over the assault area
on 15 Aug, flew a resupply mission on the
following day, and then hauled freight to
bases in Italy until it returned to England on 24 Aug. During the airborne attack on Holland, 17-25 Sep 1944, the group released
gliders carrying troops and equipment, and flew several resupply missions to provide reinforcements. Moved to
France in Feb 1945 for action during the
air assault across the Rhine; each aircraft
towed two gliders over the east bank and
released them near Wesel on 24 Mar 1945.
Flew numerous missions in Mar and Apr
to carry gasoline, food, medicine, and other
supplies to ground forces pushing across
Germany. When not participating in one
of the major airborne operations, the organization
continually transported ammunition,
rations, clothing, and other supplies,
and evacuated wounded personnel to
rear-zone hospitals. Evacuated prisoners
of war and displaced persons to relocation
centers after V-E Day. Returned to the
US in Aug 1945. Inactivated on 15 Nov
194583rd Troop Carrier Squadron (83rd TCS)
Sqd. code: T2
1943 to 1945 84th Troop Carrier Squadron (84th TCS)
Sqd. code: Z8
1943 to 1945 85th Troop Carrier Squadron (85th TCS)
Sqd. code: 9O
1943 to 1945 86th Troop Carrier Squadron (86th TCS)
Sqd. code: 5K
1943 to 1945 Headquarters (HQ 437th)
1943 to 1945
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437th TC Group
1st Air Commandos
319th TC Group
50th Wing
439th TC Group
440th TC Group
441th TC Group
442th TC Group
52nd Wing
61st TC Group
313th TC Group
314th TC Group
315th TC Group
316th TC Group
53rd Wing
434th TC Group
435th TC Group
436th TC Group
437th TC Group
438th TC Group
438TH Ciation