 WWII Troop Carrier Units |
434th Troop Carrier Group (434th TCG) Active Service: 1942 to 1946 Constituted as 434th Troop Carrier
Group on 30 Jan 1943. Activated on 9
Feb 1943. Trained with C-47s for operations in Europe with Ninth AF. Moved to England in Oct 1943 and entered a seven-month training period with 101st Airborne Division in preparation for the invasion of northern France. Towed
gliders carrying troops to Normandy on 6
Jun 1944 and flew follow-up missions later
on D-Day and on 7 Jun to provide reinforcements
of troops, vehicles, and ammunition.
Received a DUC and the French
Croix de Guerre with Palm for action in
the invasion of Normandy. Dropped
paratroops in the assault area and towed
gliders with reinforcements during the airborne
operation in Holland, 17-25 Sep
1944. Moved to France in Feb 1945.
Participated in the airborne assault across
the Rhine, dropping paratroops over the
east bank on Mar. In addition to these
airborne operations, the group reinforced
ground troops in the St Lo area during the
breakthrough in Jul 1944; provided supplies
for Third Army during its drive
across France in Aug, an action for which
the group was cited by the French Government;
and resupplied troops at Bastogne
in Dec 1944 in the effort to stop the German
offensive in the Ardennes. Also engaged
in numerous transport missions,
hauling mail, rations, clothing, and other
supplies from England to bases in France
and Germany, and evacuating the Allied
wounded. After V-E Day, transported
gasoline to Allied forces in Germany and
evacuated prisoners of war to relocation
centers in France and Holland. Returned
to the US, Jul-Aug 1945. Trained with C-46s. Inactivated on 31 Jul 1946.71st Troop Carrier Squadron (71st TCS)
Sqd. code: CJ
1943 to 1946
 Sevety First Troop Carrier Squadron, Four Thirty Fourth Troop Carrier Group, Glider Pilots marching. [Mark Ashley Ronan Collection]
72nd Troop Carrier Squadron (72nd TCS)
Sqd. code: CU
1943 to 1946 73rd Troop Carrier Squadron (73rd TCS)
Sqd. code: CN
1943 to 1946 74th Troop Carrier Squadron (74th TCS)
Sqd. code: ID
1943 to 1946 Headquarters (HQ 434th)
1943 to 1945
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1st Air Commandos
319th TC Group
50th Wing
439th TC Group
440th TC Group
441th TC Group
442th TC Group
52nd Wing
61st TC Group
313th TC Group
314th TC Group
315th TC Group
316th TC Group
53rd Wing
434th TC Group
435th TC Group
436th TC Group
437th TC Group
438th TC Group
438TH Ciation