National WWII Glider Pilots Association

Legacy Organization of veterans National WWII Glider Pilots Association.

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National WWII Glider Pilots Association emblem 1971-2018    Troop Carrier Command     Tweleth Air Force Wings of WWII Glider Pilots Association                  



Silent Wings Museum Photo

2nd Lt Earl Mason ROHR, 62nd TCG, "ready to go" Dragoon mission -- Roger Smith Collection

Corbis Photo. Staff Sargent John L Coogan, Child star of silent films known as Jackie Coogan.

Crew Chief, SSgt. Earl Howard, Jr. Photo Collection

Left to Right: Glider Pilot, Flight Officer Robert J. Hamilton, Assignment date: April 13, 1944
Missions: Invasion of Normandy, La Londe Resupply and Southern France.
Glider Pilot, Flight Officer Robert C Gilman, assignment date: April 13, 1944
Missions: Invasion of Normandy, La Londe Resupply, Southern France and Holland. F/O Gilman was killed on September 18 during shortly after takeoff during the Holland mission. was killed on d-plus 1 when there was a failure apparently of an aeleron cable shortly after the take-off and the glider spiraled to the ground

Crew Chief, SSgt. Earl Howard, Jr. Photo Collection

Left to Right: Glider Pilot, Flight Officer James W Campbell. Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG July 23, 1943. Mission: Normandy, La Londe, and Holland.
Glider Pilot, Flight Officer Robert Comparin. Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG July 23, 1943. Mission: Normandy, Holland and Rhine Crossing.

Crew Chief, SSgt. Earl Howard, Jr. Photo Collection

Left to Right: Glider Pilot, Flight Officre Earl L Sanford, Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG July 1, 1944. Mission: Normandy, Southern France, Holland and the Rhine Crossing.
Glider Pilot, 2nd Lt. Raymond H. Schinkel. Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG July 1, 1944. Mission: Normandy, Southern France, and Holland

Left to Right: 2nd Lt William R Bryant, Jr. Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG April 13, 1944. Mission: Southern France flew pilot on detached service to the 8th TCS / 62nd TCG. Purple Heart Recipient.
Flight Officr William T Fleet, Jr. Assignment to the 79th TCS 436th TCG April 13, 1944. Mission: Normandy, Southern France, Holland, and Rhine Crossing.

Pictured above are Glider Pilot, Flight Officers Robert C. Jeep and Sam A Southall, glider pilots. Flight Officers Jeep and Southhall flew as pilot and copilot of a Horsa glider in the intial phase of the invasio of the European continent.


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