National WWII Glider Pilot Committee / Silent Wings Museum Foundation

This site is a continuation of the National WWII Glider Pilots Association.

NEWS 2013

December 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
From the National WWII Glider Pilots Association, Inc.
This is a well-known photograph made during World War II at Laurinburg-Maxton AFB was widely circualated to the press and made most of the U.S. newspapers. Santa arrives by jeep and deplanes from the Waco CG13. Did we ever find out who Santa was in the Jeep?--1978 Dec.Silent Wings Newsletter

November 2013

2014 Reunion update:

George and Elaine Theis recently traveled to Minneapolis to scout out the hotels that responded to the RFP. After the hotel survey was complete, George selected the Crowne Plaza at 3 Appletree Square in Bloomington, MN to be the location for next years reunion. This hotel is very close to the airport and the Mall of America. The dates are October 2nd through the 4th, 2014. Member Dennis O’Hearn (father Jeremiah R. O’Hearn 100TCS/441st TCG) lives in that location and has volunteered to scout out various museums and other activities to add to our agenda.
Thank you Dennis!
You will continue to find an update to the Associations activities on this the Official NWWIIGPA Website.