Donated by Granddaughter Susan E. Pinter, National Chaplain, National WWII Glider Pilots AssociationFRANCIS ARCIER father of the WACO CG-4A Glider.
The CG-4A glider, (C-for cargo, G-for glider) was the mainstay of the U.S. Army Air Forces glider arsenal.
It was designed by Francis Acrier at the Waco Aircraft Company of
Troy, Ohio using specifications for a 15-place cargo glider given to them by the U.S. Army Air Corps Glider Branch at Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio. Francis Arcier,
a Waco vice-president and chief designer, is referred to as the "father" of the CG-4A. Nearly 18,800 CG-4A gliders were contracted for delivery from the middle of 1942
through the middle of 1945.
Smokie Miller Chart for tow rope assembly. So which section is never used on a single tow?
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National Archives (June 1944 Air Force Mag.): Service Command mechanics attach a wing to one of the gliders at Crookham Common England.
This photo was taken on March 22 1944 at Crookham Common located near Newbury, England. The glider boxes were used for many purposes, churches, post office, tools stores, repare shop as in this photo, and billeting. In this photo you can see through the back opening other glider boxes. Those boxes happen to be living quarters. National Archives -->
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