WWII Glider Pilot Instructor Don Ehr, retired Captain USAF, with the cadets of the Glider Pilot Instructor Cadets of the 94th Flying Training Squadron.
Presentations are given to the cadets during Heritage days. This presentation was about the Glider missions in Normandy. On the screen are the tow routes from England to the Cotentin Peninsula.
Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy R. Lushnat, WWII Glider Pilot Instructor Don Ehr, retired Captain USAF, and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Roberts. 2017
Joan and Bob Abrahamson adjusting adusting their camera. 2017
Left to right: Dale Duclworth, Bruce Overman, Patricia Overman, Chuck Hobbs. Just before leaving for the Falcon Club at the Air Force Academy for the G-Wings Ceremony. 2019
Commander of the 94th Flying Training Squadron, Air Force Academ, Lt. Col. DOUGLES R WITMER is with Capt KARILYN M WISE and two of the cadets attending the
47th Glider Pilots reunion at Lubbock, TX. They are setting up their glider to demonstrate to the reunon attendees who will be allowed to go on the tarmac just outside the Silent Wings Museum. In the
background is the late Cowden Ward Jr. with his P-51 Mustang Pecos Bill.
Video taken
When the invitation came from the 94th Training
Flying Squadron Don Ehr was the perfect
person from WWII to talk to the Cadets about his teaching experiences during WWII in the
CG-4A glider. On Tuesday, 16 May 2017, Don entered the
briefing/ready room at the Air Force Academy
to a standing applause by the cadets.
These cadets who are graduating
after two years (freshman and sophomore
years) from glider training recieved their G Wings on Wednesday 17 May
2017 to become, for the next two years,
instructors training the next generation of glider pilots.
Don talked to the cadets working to upgrade and those cadets already Instructor Pilots
about his experience in training pilots and what
he felt was the most important aspects of glider